This is the Cutest. Family. Ever. I totally dig their style! Something about a Fedora, fall boots, BIG headbands, and little ties gets me every time. The kids had fun taking pictures, running through the groves, playing in the leafs...and turning sticks into wands and swords, and - - you name it. Ha! I reviewed the images in my office, and apparently I was gasping, ooohhing and aahhhing out loud - loud enough for my husband to come and check on me. Ooops! I couldn't resist. I love how much personality we captured in these images. And Yes, these kids REALLY are this cute. :) :)
Okay. This picture cracks me up! Look at her! She is a DIVA, struttin' her stuff - and he is a little jumping bean, so much that my camera couldn't keep up. I know this one is different, but I couldn't resist having a little fun with the color. This one is for you, Jada!

This picture is what I'm talking about - look how much his personality shines through??!! Can I just have one ounce of your energy? Please. :)

Love. Love. Love the rest of these!

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