I'm not Irish (as far as I know) and I'm not wearing green. If you pinch me, I'll pinch you back. Harder. Today is St. Patty's day, but that's not the reason for my feeling of luck. My more-than-perfect son has been napping for almost three hours and I've had some time to gather my thoughts and reflect.
My dream of being a photographer started in High School. I took a photography class my Junior year and fell in love with it. Now, this was way back in the days of film. I guess I liked the surprise of lifting the thick paper out of the developer tub and seeing what moment I've captured in film. I decided then that I wanted to be a photographer. I immediately started applying for jobs at any and every photo studio and landed a job at Sears Portrait Studio. Oh Yeahhhh! Although this wasn't the most glamorous job - - green snot nosed kids wearing holiday sweaters and Mom's having panic attacks filled the small rooms. But, I learned a lot in regards to posing and patience. :) Once I graduated high school I panicked. Reality set in and I quickly realized how
unrealistic my dream was. I couldn't just go to school, get a degree in Photography and BOOM make a ton of money. So, I crumbled up my dreams and threw them into the recycling can.
Fast forward to November 2011. Someone I had never met, an acquaintance, said she saw my pictures on my blog (photography was simply a hobby) and loved them. She hired me to photograph her wedding. This lit a fire under my rump and gave me a confidence boost. Since then, I have been researching, practicing and building a business. I am living my dream. I'm not a full time photographer...yet....but that is my goal. I am busy with photo sessions each weekend and editing the images on week nights once I am home from my
realistic job - its a lot to swallow but I know it wouldn't be worth it if it were easy.
I am so lucky to have had these experiences. I am thankful for each person that has trusted me to take their pictures and for each person that has 'Liked' and commented on my images. You are all keeping me going and I am lucky to know you.
Happy St. Patty's Day!