I had some out of state family members request pictures of our home. So, here it is!
We purchased our house in April and moved in, in June - Right before Cruz (our Son) was born. I would've loved to buy all new furniture and accessories for this house - but let's face it, I haven't won the lotto. Yet. My 'style' has matured a bit since our last house and I wanted to update it a bit. Before, it was Tiffany blue and chocolate brown. Now, I wanted a similar color scheme but a bit richer. The walls in the house were all painted taupe. We painted a few walls a navy blue/gray color (Dining room, Family room, and Master). My furniture is neutral (Cream, chocolate, and black) so I can easily change out pillows and accessories as my style preferences change. Which is quite often. Just ask Tyler. ;)
Here is the view from the front door. Our Dining and Living room combo. I LOVE this room! I think because it
looks 'fancy' but seriously everything here was cheap. The table is from Craigslist. The cushions were an old-lady-gold-paisley fabric (True story.)and my wonderful husband took on the daunting task of re-covering them with this modern gray fabric from JoAnne's. It was on sale!!

The table is black, but some of my other furniture in the house is brown. So, I added brown artwork and curtains to tie in the two colors.

The Living room is simple - a chocolate leather sofa, zebra rug. Eventually this room will have a TV for Cruz. I added some color with pillows! I think the rug helps blend the black and brown furniture.

I totally dig my clock wall. All of these clocks are from Ross, TJ Maxx, or Big Lots. I like to do things that make a big statement...but for cheap. :) I want to buy a few more to fill in some gaps. Those two chairs were from Savers for $8 each. I loved the shape of the chair backs. We spray painted them black and covered them in the same modern fabric.

Our Kitchen is not too exciting. Although I am slightly obsessed with my graffiti art and giant fork/spoon near the eat-in-kitchen. We plan on doing a funky back splash someday to liven this room up a bit.

This is the Family room - I took this picture from the Kitchen. (The Dining/Living room from above is to the left). I added a blue wall in here and have some wedding and family pictures. I plan to continue adding to this wall until it's
covered. I LOVE pictures. Duh. :) Yes, that is Tyler on the couch...and yep. He's wearing a wife beater. Haha! Stay classy :)

Our Master bedroom. :) Our bedding is from Macy's and I think the gray looks really modern and masculine. I want to add a white wall vinyl above the bed - some sort of quote. Tyler and I have yet to agree on one. <3

I created this little 'conversation starter' above the leather chair in our Master. These shelves came in a kit from BB&B. There is a fun wedding pic, our vowes in the silver frames (from Wal-Mart), our sand from our wedding, and a candle from Hobby Lobby.

Our Master bathroom. I wanted it to feel pretty and clean. :)

It is definitely a work in progress...but, we are loving it more and more each day. :)